They are believed to have used a device in the handbag (Picture: Daily Mail)
Thieves have been caught on camera stealing someone's £60,000 BMW X5, by doing nothing more than holding a bag up to their front door.
The disturbing incident happened just days after someone's Mercedes Benz was said to have been stolen in a similar way.
According to the Daily Mail, experts believe that inside the bag there's a transmitting device that extends the signal from the BMW's keyless fob, which had been kept inside the house.
The car was driven away at around 2am on April 4, while its owners slept.
Many high-end cars now use a keyless start system, which means they can be unlocked simply by having a fob nearby.
The fobs contain computer chips and security codes that are detected by a computer inside the car.
Once the fob has been recognised as being close by, the driver can start the car's engine with just the press of a button.
The thieves stole the car at 2am, while the owners were sleeping (Picture: Daily Mail)Both the Mercedes and the BMW were stolen in Essex, sparking fears that a gang is targeting keyless cars.
Ray Anderson, a security expert whose firm Classic Security Solutions covers the county, told the paper that it was the fourth such car theft he'd heard of so far this year.
He warned that the only way to protect your car from similar thefts is to keep your key fob inside a metal box, or even inside the fridge.
'The metal blocks the signal,' he said. 'We think these keyless fobs continually emit a signal. You can turn them off but most people don't.
'We think, from analysing CCTV, [the thieves] are using a device to extend the signal – which makes it appear the fob is closer than it is.'
The BMW's owners didn't want to be identified, but have released the CCTV footage to warn other motorists.
'We are extremely concerned our BMW could be stolen in this way,' they said. 'We see this as a significant security breach.'