Sony files patent for a mysterious new wireless adapter.
This week, the FCC published a certification document that was submitted by Sony. The document was for a type of wireless adapter. There is no clear indication as to what this device may be, but there are some clues that point to what the device might be used for.
The product code of the device includes the prefix of CUH, used by Sony to denote all of their PlayStation 4 accessories. We also know that the device is USB-powered, with a Bluetooth receiver and transmitter. It it unclear if the device has something to do with PlayStation VR, or some mysterious new gadget that Sony is cooking up.
Sony has recently announced that they giving fans a taste of PlayStation VR before it worldwide releases this October. The company has teamed up with Best Buy and GameStop this month to set up demo stations for their virtual reality headsets at select stores. There are already over 30o locations in both the United Stated and Canada that offers these demos. Sony plans to add even more locations leading up to the release of PlayStation VR.
To find out where you can tryout PlayStation VR, you can check out this website to find a demo station near you.
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