Installing a Port Class Audio Adapter

Installing a Port Class Audio Adapter.

This section describes the device-class-specific information that a vendor should include in an INF file to install a port-class audio adapter. For a description of the general INF file requirements and options for all device classes, see Device Installation Overview.

The description of the required INF file entries in this section is based on a hypothetical XYZ Audio Device. The driver for this device is contained in a file named Xyzaudio.sys. Example Manufacturer and Models sections for the device are shown in the following:

      [VendorName]  ; Manufacturer section    %XYZ-Audio-Device-Description%=XYZ-Audio-Device, <Plug and Play hardware ID>    [XYZ-Audio-Device]  ; Models section    AddReg=XYZ-Audio-Device.AddReg    

For more information, see INF AddReg Directive.

For additional examples, see the INF files included in the SYVAD audio sample. For more information, see Sample Audio Drivers and Universal Windows Drivers for Audio.

The following topics present examples of the key sections in the INF file that installs the device:

Specifying Version Information for an Audio Adapter

Installing Device Interfaces for an Audio Adapter

Installing Core System Components for an Audio Adapter

Installing Windows Multimedia System Support for an Audio Adapter

Installing an Audio Adapter Service

Customizing Control Panel

Miscellaneous Installation Issues for an Audio Adapter

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Installing a Port Class Audio Adapter

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Installing a Port Class Audio Adapter Rating: 4.5 Posted by: Brot Trune

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